Why Sabbaticals?

Why Sabbaticals?

Still reeling from COVID-19, today’s corporate culture is non-stop change. The pandemic forced corporations to move work home. Employees have been challenged with balancing their work lives alongside their personal lives at a time when the line between the two continues to blur. Although many employees have since returned to the office, there’s still a large portion of the workforce performing some or all of their work duties in their homes. Whether in the office or working remotely, the expectation for employees to “be on” is ever-present. 

Remote only employees can be one step removed from the culture. Many future-forward companies leverage sabbaticals to entice remote employees to reach employment milestones.

Welcome to the future of work! “Weekends off” are no longer an effective form of revitalization for employees. Employees are increasingly suffering from burnout as outlined in Aflac’s 2023 Wellbeing and Mental Health Report.

The race for top talent is on.

Talent now has more choices than ever. How modernized and compelling is your employee value proposition?

Did you know?

75% of companies identified as “the top remote friendly organizations” offer sabbatical programs  as identified by Build Remote.

What are clients saying about EPIC Sabbaticals?

“EPIC Sabbaticals are a great retention lever…There are many reasons someone might take a sabbatical…they will for sure come back renewed and with more clarity…The benefits of offering a sabbatical program, going beyond just the policy aspect,  extend far beyond those that take it. Still debating? You will never regret it!” 
-EPIC Sabbatical HR Participant 2023 (Medtronic, Twin Cities, MN)

The Widening Retention Gap.

Employers who offer a positive culture, and continuous innovative development opportunities focused on their longevity and contributions, will witness improved retention.

Thanks to a modern sabbatical offering, Clif Bar & Company has a less than 3% attrition rate! 

Claudia Perkins, vice president of human resources at Clif, used hers to attend a Mosaic of Peace Conference in Israel and Palestine with her husband. “I’d never had eight weeks off in my adult life before,” she says of the experience. “Sabbatical felt like a tremendous gift of time and an opportunity to gain perspective on all of the good aspects of work and the meaning you get from people.”

Future-proof your talent.

“The thing you’ll hear our CEO talk about a lot is the beauty of the ‘and,'” says Anne Oxrider, SVP and benefits executive at Bank of America. “I can ask you to deliver a lot, and I can give you some great time away to do things that will make you an even better person in your community, in your family and ultimately in our company. We have a great vacation package, but one week at Disney World with your 5-year-old may not actually be the kind of recharge that you need. So let’s create the next type of time away.”

Ready to partner with The Shift Matters to tackle your organization’s top talent management challenges?

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